
Staff Client Honors Aged Circulations

The browser and XUL clients now better represent copy checkout history by honoring and displaying information from aged circulations.

  • Browser client Recent Circ History and the analogous XUL client Circulation History tabs show summary data for aged circulations as well as regular/active circulations. When aged circulation data is displayed, any references to patron names are replaced by the string "<Aged Circulation>".
  • Browser client Circ History List and the analogous XUL client Last Few Circulations tabs behave as above, plus their Add Billing buttons are disabled when displaying aged circulation data.
  • XUL client Retrieve Last Patron actions from various UI’s report, "Item XXX circulation is an aged circulation and has no linked user". Browser client analog uses Circ History List instead; no additional changes required.

"Canceled Transit" Item Status

Previously, when a transit was aborted, the transited item would either go into "Reshelving" status or would return to whatever status it was in when it went into transit, even when the item itself was in a different status (including "Checked out"). Now, for most transits that get aborted, the item is put into a new status, "Canceled Transit", which signals to staff the actual state of the item. This feature only affects items with a status of "In transit" and does not affect items that were in the following statuses at the time they were sent into transit:

  • Bindery
  • Lost
  • Missing
  • On order
  • ILL
  • Damaged
  • Long Overdue
  • Lost and Paid
  • Any custom statuses

This change should help clear up confusing situations caused by the previous "abort transit" behavior, such as items showing "Available" when they are actually en route, and patrons' items mysteriously disappearing from their accounts and showing "Available" at the item-owning library without evidence of check-in.

Copy Status "Is Available" Flag

A new boolean field is now available for copy statuses to indicate when copies having a given status should be considered available. The field has 2 main effects:

  1. Checking out an "available" copy will no longer result in an override-able "COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE" alert for staff. The copy will checkout without status warnings.
  2. "Available" copies will appear in catalog searches where "limit to available" is selected as a search filter.

By default, the "Available" and "Reshelving" statuses have the "Is Available" flag set. The flag may be applied to local/custom statuses via the copy status admin interface.

Email Checkout Receipts

This feature allows patrons to receive checkout receipts through email at the circulation desk in the web client and in the Evergreen self-checkout interface. Patrons need to opt in to receive email receipts by default and must have an email address associated with their account. Opt in can be staff mediated at the time of account creation or in existing accounts. Patrons can also opt in directly in their OPAC account or through patron self-registration. This feature does not affect the behavior of checkouts from the XUL client or SIP2 devices.

Patrons can opt in to receive email checkout receipts by default via a new Email checkout receipts by default patron setting.

This feature also enhances the patron staging tables so that patron settings can be chosen during self-registration.

The web staff interface’s checkout screen now includes a "Quick Receipt" button that allows staff members to generate a receipt at any time.

Set Per-OU Limits on Allowed Payment Amounts

Two new settings have been added to prevent clerks from accidentally clearing all patron bills by scanning a barcode into the Payment Amount field, or accidentally entering the amount without a decimal point (such as you would when using a cash register).

Both settings are available via the Library Settings Editor. The Payment amount threshold for Are You Sure? dialog (ui.circ.billing.amount_warn) setting identifies the amount above which staff will be asked if they’re sure they want to apply the payment. The Maximum payment amount allowed (ui.circ.billing.amount_limit) setting identifies the maximum amount of money that can be accepted through the staff client.

These settings only affect the staff client, not credit cards accepted through the OPAC, or direct API calls from third party tools.