Chapter 14. 2.11.0 Acknowledgments
The Evergreen project would like to acknowledge the following
organizations that commissioned developments in this release of
Georgia Public Library Service
Pennsylvania Integrated Library System
Pioneer Library System
We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed
code, management, translations, documentation patches and tests to this
release of Evergreen:
Jason Boyer
Eva Cerninakova
Galen Charlton
Bill Erickson
Blake Henderson
Jeff Godin
Kathy Lussier
Michele Morgan
Dan Pearl
Dan Scott
Chris Sharp
Ben Shum
Mike Rylander
Jason Stephenson
Anahi Valdez
Dan Wells
We also thank the following organizations whose employees contributed
Calvin College
Central/Wester Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing
Equinox Software, Inc.
Emerald Data Networks, Inc.
Evergreen Indiana
Georgia Public Library Service
King County Library System
Knihovna Jabok
Laurentian University
North of Boston Library Exchange
Traverse Area District Library
We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently
missed, please open a bug at
with a correction.