Schema offline

Table: script


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
id : serial -- PRIMARY KEY,
session : text -- NOT NULL,
requestor : integer -- NOT NULL,
create_time : integer -- NOT NULL,
workstation : text -- NOT NULL,
logfile : text -- NOT NULL,
time_delta : integer -- NOT NULL,
count : integer -- NOT NULL,


offline_script_pkey : id
offline_script_session : session
offline_script_ws : workstation

Table: session


field name : datatype -- parameters, contraints and notes
key : text -- PRIMARY KEY,
org : integer -- NOT NULL,
description : text --
creator : integer -- NOT NULL,
create_time : integer -- NOT NULL,
in_process : integer -- NOT NULL,
start_time : integer --
end_time : integer --
num_complete : integer -- NOT NULL,


offline_session_creation : create_time
offline_session_org : org
offline_session_pkey : key