How to Participate

Contributing to documentation is an excellent way to support Evergreen, even if you are new to documentation. In fact, beginners often have a distinct advantage over the experts, more easily spotting the places where documentation is lacking or where it is unclear.

We welcome your contribution with planning, writing, editing, testing, translating to DocBook, and other tasks. Whatever your background or experience we are keen to have your help!

What you can do:

Volunteer Roles

We are now looking for people to help produce the documentation. If you interested in participating, email the DIG facilitators at or post on the documentation mailing list. We're looking for volunteers to work on the following:

  • Writing – Produce the documentation (from scratch, and/or revised from existing materials). We're open to receiving content in any formats, such as Word or Open Office, but of course, would be most delighted with DocBook xml format.
  • Testing – Compare the documents with the functions they describe and ensuring that the procedures accomplish the desired results. Even if you are not officially in the DIG, we would appreciate any suggestions you may have for Evergreen documentation.
  • XML conversion – Convert existing documentation to DocBook format.
  • Editorial review – Ensuring the documentation is clear and follows Evergreen DIG style guide conventions.
  • Style and Design – Edit the DocBook style sheets or post style tips and suggestions on the DIG list.