The following steps are needed to for Evergreen to recognize the changes to fm_IDL.xml
Copy the updated fm_IDL.xml Update /openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml to /openils/var/web/reports/fm_IDL.xml
cp /openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml /openils/var/web/reports/fm_IDL.xml
Run Autogen to to update the Javascript versions of the fieldmapper definitions.
Restart C services -l -a restart_c
Restart the Evergreen reporter. You may need to modify this command depending on your system configuration and pid path -l -action restart -service open-ils.reporter \ -config /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -pid-dir /openils/var/run
Restart the Evergreen application or use Admin, For Developers, Clear Cache