Chapter 15. Booking Module Administration

Adapted with permission from original material by the Evergreen Community


The Evergreen booking module is included in Evergreen 1.6.1.x and above.The following documentation will include information about making cataloged items bookable; making non-bibliographic items bookable; and setting permissions in the booking module for staff.

Table of Contents

Make a Cataloged Item Bookable in Advance
Make a Cataloged Item Bookable On the Fly
Create a Bookable Status for Non-Bibliographic Items
Setting Booking Permissions

Make a Cataloged Item Bookable in Advance

If their permission settings allow, staff members can make items bookable. Staff members can do this in advance of a booking request, or they can do it on the fly.

If you know in advance of the request that an item will need to be booked, you can make the item bookable.

  1. In the staff client, select SearchSearch the Catalog

  2. Begin a title search to find an item.

  3. Click the title of the item that you want to book.

  4. The Record Summary will appear. In this view you can see information about the item and its locations. Click Actions for this RecordHoldings Maintenance in the top right corner of the screen.

  5. The Holdings Maintenance screen will appear. In this screen, you can view the volumes and copies of an item avaialable at each branch. To view the barcodes and other information for each copy, click the arrow adjacent to the branch with the copy that you need to view. Click on successive arrows until you find the copy that you need to view.

  6. Select the item that you want to make bookable. Right click to open the menu, and click Make Item Bookable.

  7. The item has now been added to the list of resources that are bookable. To book the item, return to the Record Summary, and proceed with booking..


In Evergreen 1.6.1, there is no way to make an item “unbookable” after it has been made bookable and has been reserved. The Delete Selected button on this screen deletes the resource from the screen, but the item will be able to be booked after it has been returned.