
In the acquisitions module, you can search line items, line items and catalog records, selection lists, purchase orders, and invoices. To access the searching interface, click AcquisitionsGeneral Search.

Users may wish to begin their acquisitions process by searching line items and catalog records. This ensures that they do not purchase an item that the library already owns or is on another selection list or purchase order.

  1. Choose the object that you would like to search from the drop down menu.

  2. Next, refine your search by choosing the specific fields that you would like to search. Click Add Search Term to add more fields. Search terms are ANDed together. Click the red X at the end of each row to delete search terms. Some search terms will be disabled depending on your choice of items to search.

  3. After you have added search term(s), click Search or click the Enter key. A list of results appears.

  4. If you want to edit your search, click the Reveal Search button in the top right corner of the results screen to display your search.


When searching by Org Unit, the exact ordering location must be selected. Searching for a consortium or system does not also display purchase orders or line items attached to child organizations.