Cancel/Suspend reasons

The Cancel reasons link enables you to predefine the reasons for which a line item or a PO can be cancelled. A default list of reasons appears, but you can add custom reasons to this list. Applying the cancel reason will prevent the item from appearing in a claims list and will allow you to cancel debits associated with the purchase. Cancel reasons also enable you to suspend or delay a purchase. For example, you could create a cancel reason of “back ordered,” and you could choose to keep the debits associated with the purchase.

Create a cancel/suspend reason

  1. To add a new cancel reason, click Administration → Server Administration → Acquisitions → Cancel reasons.

  2. Click New Cancel Reason.

  3. Select a using library from the drop down menu. The using library indicates the organizational units whose staff can use this cancel reason. This menu is populated with the shortnames that you created for your libraries in the organizational units tree (See Admin → Server Administration → Organizational Units.)

  4. Create a label for the cancel reason. This label will appear when you select a cancel reason on an item or a PO.

  5. Create a description of the cancel reason. This is a free text field and can be comprised of any text of your choosing.

  6. If you want to retain the debits associated with the cancelled purchase, click the box adjacent to Keep Debits?

  7. Click Save.